Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Producing the Audio Podcast

I haven't listened to the radio since high school, and even then I never tuned into news programs. So when working on my audio podcast, I had the most difficult time. Quite simply, I didn't know how to put a story together in this form.

A while back I had gone to PS 328 to capture some audio. My classmate Anne Noyes was kind enough to give me a quick lesson on what to look for: ambient, ambient, ambient (getting close to the sound to record, meaning if people are stomping their feet get down to the ground with the mic). So that day I went to the gym and got some sounds of kids playing basketball in the gym, interviewed a few of the younglings, sat in on a magazine club, and then interviewed the director of the program. Luckily, a parent had come and I got her on tape also. In theory, I have multiple sources and background sounds, all the parts I need.

Stitching these together wasn't so easy. Audacity, the free audio software, proved easy enough to use (but again Anne gave a tutorial). Still, with a near zero idea of audio storytelling, I had to resort to the most basic structure. I edited down my audio to blocks, with each person speaking in turn, mixed with some ambient. Nothing revolutionary here, but still a fun endeavor.

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