Friday, November 2, 2007

Complicated Story

So many sources, so little time. At its core the story is simple: how a guy came back to his old neighborhood and started a non-profit, helped by a "venture philanthropist" funder. But my story tries to touch on so many things at one time -- the backstory of the non-profit, which I think is interesting; what start-up non-profits need to survive; the guy who returned, Rich Buery; the interaction with the venture philanthropists; commenting on venture philanthropy; whether the program works; and the neighborhood, East New York. So I have to talk to students and parents, principals and funders, community groups and maybe the police, an urban studies expert and a non-profit expert, a philanthropy expert who knows venture philanthropy, and then of course the protaganist and other people in the organization. Then I've got to crunch the numbers and double check them. So alot to do. I've already spoken to most of the people in the organization and most of the principals, have done research on venture philanthropy and can get a few quotes when I need to, the other experts I only need to speak with for a few minutes, but I still need to crunch the numbers and speak with one of the important funders.

I'm going to continue writing my drafts anyway, and then plug in the hole as I can.

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